RT info:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis T1 Los inicios del discurso turístico moderno en España y su traducción al alemán a través de publicaciones editadas por las instituciones turísticas españolas (1928-1939) A1 Valdenebro Arenas, Marta A2 Universidad de Valladolid. Escuela de Doctorado K1 Sociolingüística K1 Tourism translation K1 Traducción turística K1 Tourist discourse K1 Discurso turístico K1 5701.13 Lingüística Aplicada a la Traducción E Interpretación AB This doctoral thesis studies the relationship between ideology and agency in the translation process and in the translated discourse through publications edited by the Spanish tourist institutions between 1928 and 1939, a period that marked the beginnings of the modern state tourist industry in Spain.Each tourist text and its translation contain a system of values and represents an ideology, understood as a conception of the world that surrounds the textual products. Moreover, the process of tourism writing and translation is influenced by different agents. Hence our interest in undertaking an empirical study that explores the value system and, with it, the ideology present in the tourism discourse manifested in the publications edited by the Spanish tourism institutions in force between 1928 and 1939, as well as the configuration of the network of participants involved in the process of writing and translating these publications into German. Achieving these global objectives has been possible thanks to the design of a descriptive, retrospective and qualitative research project based on fieldwork in different locations and the application of a mixed model of analysis that combines sociological and linguistic approaches to the study of the incipient modern tourist discourse and its translation into German, allowing the texts to be studied from a textual and contextual perspective.After exhaustive archival work, contextual material generated during the process of tourism writing and translation has been collected and a catalogue of publications published between 1928 and 1939 by Spanish tourism institutions and their translations into German has been compiled. From this catalogue, nine representative texts have been extracted. The nine publications belong to different moments of the study period and to different professional textual genres typical of the beginnings of the modern institutional tourism discourse. These texts are the basis for nine case studies in which a mixed analysis is carried out, based on (a) the contextualisation of the texts, (b) a macro- and microtextual analysis and (c) an analysis of the value system and ideology underlying the texts.In relation to the contextualisation of the selected tourism publications, this research investigates the editorial and translation practices within the tourism institutions that published the texts: the Patronato Nacional del Turismo (1928-1939), the Spanish tourism institution that laid the foundations of the modern tourism system in Spain, and the Servicio Nacional del Turismo (1938-1939), which was in charge of tourism promotion on the rebel side during the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). In addition, special attention is paid to the promotion of Spanish tourism in the German market during this period. The results obtained confirm that each tourism publication is a product of the moment and the circumstances surrounding it. Furthermore, we find that the processes of institutional tourism writing and translation were social practices in which different agents were involved, which we can follow through the traces, also ideological, that they left in the textual and contextual research materials. Finally, we demonstrate how these value systems are reconfigured in the translations of these publications into German.This interdisciplinary research aims to obtain results not only on a textual but also on a contextual level and aspires to contribute to the creation of new knowledge and theoretical enrichment. YR 2022 FD 2022 LK https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/60810 UL https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/60810 LA spa NO Escuela de Doctorado DS UVaDOC RD 14-mar-2025