RT info:eu-repo/semantics/article T1 Apolipoprotein D alters the early transcriptional response to oxidative stress in the adult cerebellum A1 Bajo Grañeras, Raquel A1 Sánchez Romero, Diego A1 Gutiérrez, Gabriel A1 González, Constancio A1 Carmo, Sonia do A1 Rassart, Eric A1 Ganfornina Álvarez, María Dolores K1 Nervioso, sistema - Fisiología AB The lipocalin Apolipoprotein D (ApoD), known to protect thenervous system against oxidative stress (OS) in modelorganisms, is up-regulated early in the mouse brain inresponse to the ROS generator paraquat. However, the processestriggered by this up-regulation have not been explored.We present here a study of the effect of ApoD on the earlytranscriptional changes upon OS in the mouse cerebellumusing microarray profiling. ApoD-KO and transgenic miceover-expressing ApoD in neurons are compared to wild-typecontrols. In control conditions, ApoD affects the transcriptionalprofile of neuron and oligodendrocyte-specific genes involvedin neuronal excitability, synaptic function, and myelinhomeostasis. When challenged with paraquat, the absence ofApoD modifies the response of genes mainly related to OSmanagement and myelination. Interestingly, the over-expressionof ApoD in neurons almost completely abolishes the earlytranscriptional response to OS. We independently evaluatethe expression of protein kinase Cd, a gene up-regulated byOS only in the ApoD-KO cerebellum, and find it overexpressedin cultured ApoD-KO primary astrocytes, whichpoints to a role for ApoD in astrocyte-microglia signaling. Ourresults support the hypothesis that ApoD is necessary for aproper response of the nervous system against physiologicaland pathological OS. PB International Society for Neurochemistry SN 0022-3042 YR 2011 FD 2011 LK http://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/6099 UL http://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/6099 LA eng NO Journal of Neurochemistry, 2011, vol. 117, p. 949-960 NO Producción Científica DS UVaDOC RD 14-oct-2024