RT info:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis T1 La ficción literaria y sus consecuencias: Aproximación al problema de la literatura desde Platón hasta la retórica constructivista y análisis de algunas subversiones narrativas españolas contemporáneas A1 Moyano Arellano, Claudio A2 Universidad de Valladolid. Escuela de Doctorado K1 Literatura española - Historia K1 Rethoric K1 Retórica K1 Spanish novel K1 Novela española K1 5506.13 Historia de la Literatura AB In this Doctoral Thesis, we approach the study of the literary text understood as an interpretative discourse of reality. The project is based on the theoretical foundations of constructivist rhetoric, which in Spain has been developed, above all, by David Pujante. The first part of this Thesis focuses on studying the theoretical background of constructivist rhetoric, while at the same time analysing the relationship between literature and society. The first chapter looks in depth at ancient Greece and Rome, with special interest in the following facts: 1) Homer's role as an educator; 2) The arrival of Athenian democracy and, with it, sophistry; 3) Greek tragedy and its function within the polis; 4) Plato and the expulsion of poets from the ideal republic; 5) Aristotle and catharsis. The second chapter studies the recovery of the rhetorical tradition and the confidence in the capacity of the word and language by the non-Platonist humanists of the Italian Renaissance and, later, by Giambattista Vico, a tradition that is recovered by Ernesto Grassi. Thirdly, the figure of Nietzsche is studied in relation to the presuppositions of constructivist rhetoric. Fourthly, an analysis of the theoretical assumptions of constructivist rhetoric is undertaken on the basis, in addition to the aforementioned antecedents, of hermeneutics and pragmatism. The second part of this Thesis deals with the study of some contemporary texts by Spanish authors under the theoretical bases established in the first part: Isaac Rosa, Belén Gopegui, Cristina Morales, Javier López Menacho, Remedios Zafra, among others. All these authors understand the literary text as a discourse from which to participate in the public life of the country, far removed from the non-ideological or apolitical novel that was common in the Spanish narrative scene throughout the last third of the twentieth century. It is concluded that the new understanding on the part of the authors studied that substance and form are co-determining and necessary, both, in order to elaborate their discursive proposal is in consonance with the recuperation, on the sphere of Rhetoric, of the epistemological and discursive power of the third part of Rhetoric, thus recognised since classical times: the elocutio. Literary discourse is thus fully legitimised as one of the valid discourses that a society elaborates to explain the world in which it lives and to persuade the other of its own worldview. YR 2023 FD 2023 LK https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/61781 UL https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/61781 LA spa NO Escuela de Doctorado DS UVaDOC RD 27-jul-2024