RT info:eu-repo/semantics/article T1 X-ray imaging and radiation transport effects on cylindrical implosions A1 Bailly-Grandvaux, M. A1 Florido, R. A1 Walsh, C. A. A1 Beg, F. N. A1 McGuffey, C. A1 Mancini, R. C. A1 Suzuki-Vidal, F. A1 Vlachos, C. A1 Bradford, P. A1 Santos, J. J. A1 Pérez Callejo, Gabriel A1 Gigosos Pérez, Marco Antonio AB Magnetization of inertial confinement implosions is a promising means of improving their performance, owingto the potential reduction of energy losses within the target and mitigation of hydrodynamic instabilities.In particular, cylindrical implosions are useful for studying the influence of a magnetic field thanks to theiraxial symmetry. Here we present experimental results from cylindrical implosions on the OMEGA-60 laserusing a 40-beam, 14.5 kJ, 1.5 ns drive and an initial seed magnetic field of B0 = 24 T along the axis of thetargets, compared with reference results without an imposed B-field. Implosions were characterized usingtime-resolved X-ray imaging from two orthogonal lines of sight. We found that the data agree well withmagnetohydrodynamic simulations once radiation transport within the imploding plasma is considered. Weshow that for a correct interpretation of the data in this type of experiments, explicit radiation transportmust be taken into account. PB American Institute of Physics SN 0034-6748 YR 2022 FD 2022 LK https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/64396 UL https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/64396 LA eng NO Review of Scientific Instruments, Noviembre 2022, vol. 93, n. 11, p. 113542 NO Producción Científica DS UVaDOC RD 12-sep-2024