RT info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis T1 Soft Power: US Silent Domination A1 Rivas García, Carmen A2 Universidad de Valladolid. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras K1 Soft power K1 United States K1 International relations K1 Joseph Nye K1 Culture K1 Influence K1 Estados Unidos K1 Relaciones internacionales K1 Cultura K1 Influencia K1 5701.11 Enseñanza de Lenguas AB This research focuses on the concept of soft power, which is defined as the abilityof a country, the US in this case, to influence the behavior of other countries throughcultural and economic influence, rather than through force; focusing particularly onAmerican soft power. To this end, the concept is analyzed in depth, historically, from theperiod of the end of the World War II to the present day, and critically. In addition, thestudy offers different examples of its application, in order to analyze the effects ofAmerican soft power on international politics as well as on the US itself. The mainobjective of this thesis is to explore the idea of soft power itself as a concept, as well asto examine how it has shaped America’s foreign policy along with their impact in othercountries. YR 2023 FD 2023 LK https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/64411 UL https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/64411 LA eng NO Departamento de Filología Inglesa DS UVaDOC RD 02-mar-2025