RT info:eu-repo/semantics/article T1 A Characterization of Reversible Markov Chains by a Rotational Representation A1 Rodríguez del Tío, María Pilar A1 Valsero Blanco, María Cruz K1 Measure-preserving transformations , Recurrent Markov chains , reversible Markov chains K1 60J10 K1 15A61 AB Let P be the matrix of a recurrent Markov chain with stationary vector ν>0 and let R=(rij), be a matrix. If R is a symmetric matrix, we improve Alpern's rotational representation of P. By this representation we characterize the reversible Markov chains. PB IMS proyect euclid SN 0091-1798 YR 1991 FD 1991 LK https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/64497 UL https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/64497 LA spa NO Ann. Probab. 19(2): 605-608 (April, 1991) DS UVaDOC RD 05-feb-2025