RT info:eu-repo/semantics/article T1 Topography of activation deficits in schizophrenia during P300 task related to cognition and structural connectivity A1 Molina Rodríguez, Vicente A1 Bachiller Matarranz, Alejandro A1 Luis García, Rodrigo de A1 Lubeiro Juarez, Alba A1 Poza, Jesús A1 Hornero Sánchez, Roberto A1 Alonso, Joan Francesc A1 Mañanas, Miguel Angel A1 Marqués, Patricia A1 Romero, Sergio K1 Schizophrenia · LORETA · EEG · Diffusion tensor · Anterior cingulate AB Background The study of cerebral underpinnings of schizophrenia may benefit from the high temporal resolution of electromagnetictechniques, but its spatial resolution is low. However, source imaging approaches such as low-resolution brainelectromagnetic tomography (LORETA) allow for an acceptable compromise between spatial and temporal resolutions.Methods We combined LORETA with 32 channels and 3-Tesla diffusion magnetic resonance (Dmr) to study cerebraldysfunction in 38 schizophrenia patients (17 first episodes, FE), compared to 53 healthy controls. The EEG was acquiredwith subjects performing an odd-ball task. Analyses included an adaptive window of interest to take into account the interindividualvariability of P300 latency. We compared source activation patters to distractor (P3a) and target (P3b) toneswithin- and between-groups.Results Patients showed a reduced activation in anterior cingulate and lateral and medial prefrontal cortices, as well asinferior/orbital frontal regions. This was also found in the FE patients alone. The activation was directly related to IQ inthe patients and controls and to working memory performance in controls. Symptoms were unrelated to source activation.Fractional anisotropy in the tracts connecting lateral prefrontal and anterior cingulate regions predicted source activation inthese regions in the patients.Conclusions These results replicate the source activation deficit found in a previous study with smaller sample size anda lower number of sensors and suggest an association between structural connectivity deficits and functional alterations. PB Springer-Verlag SN 0940-1334 YR 2019 FD 2019-06 LK https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/64695 UL https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/64695 LA eng NO Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2019 Jun;269(4):419-428 NO Producción Científica DS UVaDOC RD 04-mar-2025