RT info:eu-repo/semantics/article T1 Effect on Body Composition of a Meal-Replacement Progression Diet in Patients 1 Month after Bariatric Surgery A1 Luis Román, Daniel Antonio de AB Background: Progression diets after bariatric surgery (BS) are restricted in calories andprotein, and they may induce a worsening of body composition. The aim of this study was toevaluate the effect of a modified diet with an oral nutritional supplement that is hyperproteic andnormocaloric over the body composition. Methods: A two-arm ambispective observational cohortstudy was designed. Forty-four patients who underwent sleeve gastrectomy were included in thestudy. Thirty patients received a progression diet with a normocaloric, hyperproteic oral nutritionalsupplement during the first two weeks after surgery (820 kcal, 65.5 g protein). They were comparedwith a historical cohort of 14 patients treated with a standard progression diet (220 kcal, 11.5 gprotein). Anthropometric and body composition (using electrical bioimpedanciometry) data wereanalyzed before BS and 1 month after the surgery. Results: The mean age was 47.35(10.22) years;75% were women, and the average presurgical body mass index (BMI) was 45.98(6.13) kg/m2, withno differences between both arms of intervention. One month after surgery, no differences in thepercentage of excess weight loss (%PEWL) were observed between patients in the high-protein-dietgroup (HP) and low-protein-diet group (LP) (HP: 21.86 (12.60)%; LP: 18.10 (13.49)%; p = 0.38). Alower loss of appendicular skeletal muscle mass index was observed in the HP (HP: −5.70 (8.79)%;LP: −10.54 (6.29)%; p < 0.05) and fat-free mass index (HP: 3.86 (8.50)%; LP:−9.44 (5.75)%; p = 0.03),while a higher loss of fat mass was observed in the HP (HP: −14.22 (10.09)%; LP: −5.26 (11.08)%;p < 0.01). Conclusions: In patients undergoing gastric sleeve surgery, the addition of a normocaloric,hyperproteic formula managed to slow down the loss of muscle mass and increase the loss of fatmass with no differences on total weight loss PB MDPI YR 2023 FD 2023 LK https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/64842 UL https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/64842 LA eng NO Nutrients 2024, 16, 106 DS UVaDOC RD 11-ene-2025