RT info:eu-repo/semantics/conferenceObject T1 Mathematics anxiety in statistics undergraduates T2 La ansiedad matemática en alumnos de grados en estadística A1 Rodríguez del Tío, María Pilar A1 Hidalgo Alonso, Santiago A1 Palacios Picos, Andrés K1 Mathematics anxiety, Statistics degree, gender differences, university students, emotional dimension K1 Research Areas: Education & Educational Research Citation; Topics: 6 Social Sciences 6.11 Education & Educational Research 6.11.31 Self-Regulated Learning AB In this paper we study the level of mathematics anxiety that students in the first grade of Statistics degrees experience. We analize the relation between this construct and other factors such as gender, degrees profile (Bussines, Mathematics or General) and the mathematics subject studied in the previous year. The results show that female students have more mathematics anxiety than male students in groups determinated by the two already mention factors, which show a higher level of anxiety. This groups belong to the Bussines profile and to students who studied the previous year the subject "Mathematics for Social Sciences". PB Sociedad Española de Investigación en Educación Matemática SN 978-84-695-4466-2 YR 2012 FD 2012 LK https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/64895 UL https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/64895 LA spa NO Castro, AE (Castro, AE). Baeza, Spain, 2012, p.469-478 NO Producción Científica DS UVaDOC RD 09-mar-2025