RT info:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis T1 La elipsis gramatical en las personas con síndrome de Down A1 Castañeda San Cirilo, Leticia A2 Universidad de Valladolid. Escuela de Doctorado K1 Patología del lenguaje - Síndrome Down K1 Elipsis K1 Down K1 Syndrome K1 Síndrome K1 Prevel K1 5 Lingüística AB This thesis focuses on the study of ellipsis applied to language pathologies, specifically, Down syndrome, which is the most common genetic cause of significant intellectual disability. To do this, we start from the study of the phenomenon, understood from a broad perspective, that is, as the analysis of grammatical omissions that transcend the increasingly obsolete sentence limits. But we do it, as we say, from an orientation applied to language pathologies and their possible intervention, in order to improve the communication skills of people with said syndrome.In this way, our work proposes a general objective (to study in depth the phenomenon of ellipsis in subjects with Down syndrome) that materializes in seven specific ones: (i) deepen the knowledge of the mechanism from a theoretical perspective; (ii) investigate the aforementioned pathology to know its skills and weaknesses; (iii) develop a classification of the possible ellipses of our language in order to be able to develop from it an evaluation protocol valid both for children in the consolidation phase of the morphosyntactic and pragmatic component of the language, and for people with Down syndrome of any age (v); thus delimiting that said ellipses can be of various kinds (iv). All this material will contribute to (vi) knowing what elliptical skills are possessed by children with normal development, as a reference standard; and, finally, (vii) to determine what are the main differences that people with the study syndrome present regarding this mechanism.To meet these objectives, we have carried out, in the first half of the thesis, on the one hand, a broad review of the concept of ellipsis, analyzing it from different perspectives, and after that a chapter focused on knowledge of the aforementioned pathology. Later in the experimental part, we have proposed a “Language Information Scale” that allows us to delimit the different types of absences that we can find and an evaluation protocol (Prevel- Ellipsis evaluation protocol), which must be used to assess elliptical skills both in children and in people with this pathology. This protocol has also been perfected, based on an initial evaluation, from the pilot proposal to the final version, thus improving its effectiveness.Once the final test was completed, and after obtaining the appropriate ethical permissions, we evaluated a total of thirty-six children with normalized development patterns and different ages. Two of them were excluded for not meeting the established admission criteria. Similar behavior was carried out with the participants with Down syndrome who wanted to collaborate in this study and who belonged to associations in the Region of Murcia (CDA San Pedro del Pinatar of the Aidemar Association) and the city of Valladolid (CPrEE El Pino of Obregón, CDA Dos Pinos and Dance School). Thus, the subjects with DS assessed in this test amounted to thirty-six.All in all, the results of this evaluation indicate that there is a great variety of behaviors surrounding the phenomenon. Control subjects, in general, tend to use this mechanism, especially in endophoric structures, and present few errors in their productions. Subjects with DS also frequently resort to this resource, although differences are observed depending on the type of ellipsis and the grammatical skills of the people. Particularly striking is the appearance of a greater number of errors, caused by calculation errors regarding what can and cannot be suppressed or problems in understanding exophoric structures and making omissions in comparative structures. In any case, throughout this work we have shown encouraging data that allows us to defend that these are aspects that could be improved if its work were included in speech therapy interventions. YR 2024 FD 2024 LK https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/66293 UL https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/66293 LA spa NO Escuela de Doctorado DS UVaDOC RD 19-oct-2024