RT info:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis T1 La dependencia personal en Hispania romana: prosopografía y estudio social A1 Blanco Robles, Fernando A2 Universidad de Valladolid. Escuela de Doctorado K1 Hispania romana K1 Slaves K1 Esclavos K1 Freedmen K1 Libertos K1 Roman Spain K1 Hispania romana K1 Prosopography K1 Prosopografía K1 5504.01 Historia Antigua AB The present Thesis presented for the academic degree of Doctor of Ancient History with the title, La dependencia personal en Hispania romana: Prosopography and social study, aims at the study, analysis and interpretation of the social group composed of slaves and freedmen in Roman Hispania with the incorporation of new concepts, theories and paradigms that allow to delve into the epigraphic documentation as a primary source, updated and revised, covering the three provinces (Baetica, Citerior, Lusitania) that made up the territory of Hispania, in a broad chronological framework determined by the available sources and, therefore, covering from the early second century BC. C. to the beginning of the 4th century AD. As a result, the Thesis offers a study of the social behaviors of this group of dependents of the Roman society in the peninsular territory, as well as their relationships and similarities with the slaves and freedmen of other provincial spaces of the Roman Empire.For the first time in Spanish research on slaves and freedmen, the study has started with the elaboration of a complete prosopography of all the slaves and freedmen known in Hispania up to the present time, organized and divided according to the nature of the dependence to which they were subjected (public, imperial, private) and the territorial space where they were located. Each of the identified slaves and freedmen has been studied individually and at the same time establishing the possible relationships that they had with other dependents of the same environment, the type of family group to which they belonged and the relationships with this and other families of the place where they lived, as well as the economic, social or political relationship that they had with it. From the prosopographical study, these behaviors have been individualized and different family sagas have been identified, as well as their determination of the socioeconomic position and the links with other families of neighboring territories and cities. On the other hand, the concentrations of these servants in specific places have made it possible to delimit diverse rural spaces of economic interest and centers of management and administration, both local and state.From prosopography, in a second part, we have proceeded to the complete study of all aspects involving slaves and freedmen. First, an evolution of the phenomenon of slavery and the consolidation of the corpus libertorum in Hispania is established. Then, according to their type of dependence, the complete and collective study of public, imperial and private slaves and freedmen, in their legal, geographical, chronological, onomastic, demographic, mobility, social relations at a personal level with their domini/patroni and at a kinship level with their consanguineous families and close individuals, is approached, their labor dimension, economic activity and their role in the local and state administration, as well as, from the most eminently epigraphic data, the determination of their public representativeness in the funerary, honorific-vergetic and votive spheres. Throughout the second part, the main conclusions that have been obtained as a result of the study are summarized, offering interpretative novelties on social behaviors that not only affected slaves and freedmen.In a last point, a proposal of hierarchization and social mobility of the group is offered and the conclusions where the slaves and freedmen of Hispania are put in relation to each other at all levels. YR 2024 FD 2024 LK https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/67153 UL https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/67153 LA spa NO Escuela de Doctorado DS UVaDOC RD 03-mar-2025