RT info:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis T1 La Triple Brecha Informativa en la agenda mediática digital: relevancia periodística frente a intereses de las audiencias multiplataforma A1 Diez Gracia, Alba A2 Universidad de Valladolid. Escuela de Doctorado K1 Medios audiovisuales K1 News gap K1 Brecha informativa K1 Digital journalism K1 Ciberperiodismo K1 Agenda-setting K1 Agenda-setting K1 Digital audiences K1 Audiencias digitales K1 5910.02 Medios de Comunicación de Masas AB The transformation of media in the digital context opens a stage of journalistic convergence that reformulates its narrative and business models, as well as its relationship with an active and connected audience, capable of selecting and sharing information. A paradigm shift that fragments access and consumption in multiple media, channels and hyper-updated formats. As a result, the mediating role of journalists and editors in the information process is displaced, transferred to other users, platforms and social networks that act as content curators or non-professional gatekeepers and that lead to reformulate, in turn, the selection of the media agenda and its influence. In this context of increased content publication and media disintermediation, a digital ‘news gap’ is emerging, marked by the difference of interest shown between three spheres: the topics that the media select as relevant according to their journalistic criteria; what the audience prefers to read or click on the web; and what network users choose to viralize. The analysis and verification of this phenomenon constitutes the main object of study of this Doctoral Thesis, structured in two axes of deductive analysis: a meta-investigation of the concept and its evolution in scientific research (N=25); and the proposal and empirical verification of a theoretical-analytical model coined as Triple Information Gap. For this purpose, a content analysis method is applied to four international media from Spain, Portugal, the United Kingdom and the United States (N=1646), based on 5 categories and 147 variables. The research provides its own tool for the phase of coding and analysis of results with the development of a software that automates part of the sample collection and digitalizes the analysis sheet, saving and interrelating its information in a database. The main results on the conceptualization and evolution of the news gap in the academic literature reflect an incipient production, with barely a decade of trajectory (2010-2022), and a fragmentation in its approaches, areas and study criteria, which justify the pertinence of the proposal of a model called Triple News Gap. The empirical analysis of this model confirms the appearance of three parallel thematic micro-agendas differenciated by the journalistic criterion of the Front Page; the preferences of the web audience in the Most Read; and the selection of the social media users in the Most Viral, closer to the journalistic criterion than to the choice of the public accessing the media. A result that is more noticeable in the case of Iberian countries and that reduces its discrepancy in the case of Anglosaxon countries, especially in the US, where the informative treatment decreases and the presentation of clickbaits on the front page increases. A Triple News Gap that highlights a relevant media and social change, reflecting a displacement of journalists as gatekeepers and mediators of information flows. YR 2024 FD 2024 LK https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/67221 UL https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/67221 LA spa NO Escuela de Doctorado DS UVaDOC RD 05-feb-2025