RT info:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis T1 Identificación y caracterización de perfiles afectivo-cognitivos del alumnado con discalculia A1 Espina De La Cruz, Estefania A2 Universidad de Valladolid. Escuela de Doctorado K1 Discalculia K1 Dyscalculia K1 Discalculia K1 Checklist K1 Checklist K1 Affective-cognitive profile K1 Perfil afectivo-cognitivo K1 Primary school K1 Educación primaria K1 6102.02 Problemas de Aprendizaje AB The problematic situation addressed is related to the current challenge in the Spanish education system of reducing the size of the brackets of Primary School students who are at low or very low levels of achievement in mathematics. This research, in particular, focuses on students with dyscalculia, a group at high risk of falling into the above-mentioned bracket. In this research, five objectives have been proposed to address the research problem through a mixed research approach. We have analyzed the characteristics of the scientific activity developed around dyscalculia, making a mapping of the scientific production and a systematic review of the most influential literature on this topic. A shared diagnosis of the problems associated with dyscalculia in Spain has been made from the point of view of teachers, families and other education professionals, approached from a double perspective. On the one hand, the degree of knowledge and training on dyscalculia of primary school teachers and families has been evaluated through two questionnaires, making a comparison between Castile and Leon and the region of Lisbon and Vale do Tejo (Portugal). On the other hand, two rounds of a Delphi method have been implemented to identify the main problems faced by students with dyscalculia and their possible solutions. Two checklists have been designed and validated so that primary school teachers and families can carry out an initial assessment of the risk of dyscalculia in the classroom and family environment. Finally, a first approach to the identification and characterization of affective-cognitive profiles that allow a deeper understanding of the different ways in which dyscalculia manifests itself in primary school students has been carried out with the application of the checklists designed and the affective scale Math and Me.The results show a growing interest of the scientific community in dyscalculia in recent years, strongly localized in a small group of countries, and a predominance of contributions focused on diagnosis, with few contributions that provide solid evidence for educational intervention aimed at the full inclusion of students with dyscalculia. The results of the questionnaires and the Delphi method have shown, on the one hand, that, currently, students with dyscalculia in Spain are at a disadvantage, mainly due to the general lack of knowledge about this disorder among the agents involved in the education of these students and, on the other hand, that in order to improve this situation, both training processes and awareness-raising actions are considered necessary. As for the results associated with the checklists, we obtained an instrument with 69 items for teachers and 62 items for families, both organized into 5 major dimensions and 15 subdimensions. The use of these checklists could facilitate an approach to this disorder, in addition to being simple instruments for early detection of the risk of dyscalculia. Finally, with the application of these checklists on a sample of 22 students with dyscalculia, or suspected of suffering from this learning disorder, four affective-cognitive profiles have been obtained and the results confirm the great variability and specificity of profiles that can be observed among students with dyscalculia. It is considered of great relevance that both teachers and professionals in the psycho-pedagogical field keep in mind this heterogeneity in order to meet the diverse needs of these students in the classroom and to carry out a personalized intervention. YR 2024 FD 2024 LK https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/68343 UL https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/68343 LA spa NO Escuela de Doctorado DS UVaDOC RD 05-feb-2025