RT info:eu-repo/semantics/bookPart T1 The Reconstruction Plan of Genoa. The Plan of ‘Missed Opportunities’ A1 Gastaldi, Francesco A1 Camerin, Federico K1 Regeneración urbana K1 Reconstruction plan K1 Plan de reconstrucción K1 Génova K1 Genoa K1 3329 Planificación Urbana AB This research provides a reflection on the doctrineof reconstruction in the Italian city of Genoa afterWWII. The aim is to expand knowledge on the roleof the 1945-to-1950 Reconstruction Plan of Genoa’scentre and Sampierdarena (Piano di Ricostruzione; PR)and the subsequent 1946-to-1959 General MasterPlan (Piano Regolatore Generale; PRG) to foster thecity-making process during the Reconstruction period(1945 to 1960). The idea is to open a debate on thereal impacts of Genoa’s PRs, which have been insufficientlystudied due to the poor materials released atthat epoque, thus creating the proper basis to opena new research path. This work is part of the widerinterests of the authors in the post-1945 city-makingprocess of Genoa.2 This particular subject has not yetbeen addressed from the specific angle of Reconstruction,which is why the work does not so much presentresearch results as rather asks questions on the basisof the new information provided. [parte del texto]. PB Thelem SN 978–3–95908–660–8 YR 2024 FD 2024 LK https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/68425 UL https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/68425 LA eng NO Gastaldi, Francesco, CAMERIN FEDERICO (2024). The Reconstruction Plan of Genoa. The Plan of ‘Missed Opportunities’. En A. Diener, P. Dieudonné, H.-G. Lippert, S. de Puineuf, K., Z. H. Zemánková (Eds.), Res Urbanae. A look at cities under reconstruction (pp. 69-79). Thelem: Dresden-Munich. ISBN: 978–3–95908–660–8 NO Producción Científica DS UVaDOC RD 05-feb-2025