RT info:eu-repo/semantics/article T1 Ventanas en el cine, el arte y la arquitectura. Miradas, relaciones e informaciones A1 Alonso García, Eusebio K1 Arquitectura K1 Cinematografía K1 Arte K1 Ciudad K1 Ventana K1 Percepción K1 Interior K1 Pantalla K1 Media K1 6201.01 Diseño Arquitectónico K1 6203.01 Cinematografía K1 3311.12 Equipo de Fotografía y Cinematografía AB The look is not neutral in the act of the perception. She involves an intellectual, social and political intention about what we show, what we teach and what we hide. Its presence and its condition accompany the formal strategy that each one of the three disciplines uses to articulate his critical speech. More beyond of its more elementary condition as mechanism for looking towards the other side, for flooding an environment of light and color, for capturing the landscape, for focusing the scene, the window has been used as an interface capable of establishing spatial and temporary relations, for underlining or for dismantling the social and spatial hierarchies and transferring the information more beyond of our own bodies. The electric light is pure information. Screens and other communication media are other forms of windows, whose presence in the cinema, the art and the architecture, in the private space and in the public space, incorporates the critical reflection about the social evolution and the new spatial and temporary relationships of the contemporaneity. Filmmakers, set designers, artists and architects have provided experiences that go beyond their own discipline. Cinema and architecture are built on the opening of relations and the establishing of connections between the different parties at stake. This paper will develop reflections crossed between cinema, art and architecture, the evolution of the traditional role of the spatial and temporary boundaries and its technological, informational and virtual transformation. PB Edições Cine-Clube de Avanca SN 2184-0520 YR 2017 FD 2017 LK https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/68616 UL https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/68616 LA spa NO Costa Valente, António y Capucho, Rita. Avanca Cinema. Internacional Conference 2017. Avanca: Edições Cine-Clube de Avanca, 2017, p. 359-369. NO Producción Científica DS UVaDOC RD 07-mar-2025