RT info:eu-repo/semantics/article T1 Face-to-face and virtual vocabulary learning for individuals with intellectual disabilities A1 Ayuso Lanchares, Alba A1 Ruiz Requies, Inés A1 Santiago Pardo, Rosa Belén K1 Intellectual disability; Vocabulary; In-person; Virtual; Learning K1 5802 Organización y Planificación de la Educación K1 5802.04 Niveles y Temas de Educación K1 6102.05 Patología del Lenguaje AB People with mild intellectual disabilities often have difficulties understanding and expressingadvanced linguistic concepts. Prior to the arrival of COVID-19, there were no research-backedmodels to guide virtual interventions with this population. The research presented here pursuesthree objectives: to determine if the vocabulary of people with mild intellectual disabilities (ID)improves following face-to-face and virtual learning interventions, to understand the differencesbetween these two interventions, and to assess participants’ perceptions of both modalities. Thesample consists of 10 adults with mild ID who participated in 10 face-to-face learning sessionsand 10 virtual learning sessions. An ad hoc designed vocabulary assessment instrument andsemi-structured interviews are used, in addition to statistical software SPSS and Atlas.ti. Theresults show improvements in vocabulary in both modalities, although no significant differenceswere found, suggesting that both in-person and virtual modalities are effective for vocabularylearning in people with ID. However, there were exceptions in some categories such as gardeningand baking. Likewise, participants expressed satisfaction and enthusiasm toward both interventions,but showed a preference for face-to-face sessions. PB Taylor & Francis SN 2047-3869 YR 2024 FD 2024 LK https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/68887 UL https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/68887 LA spa NO Alba Ayuso-Lanchares, Inés Ruiz-Requies & Rosa Belén Santiago- Pardo (2024). Face-to-face and virtual vocabulary learning for individuals with intellectual disabilities, International Journal of Developmental Disabilities, DOI: 10.1080/20473869.2024.2371675 NO Producción Científica DS UVaDOC RD 03-mar-2025