RT info:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis T1 Evaluación de la dieta de un equipo de fútbol femenino y valoración de la eficacia de diferentes estrategias de intervención nutricional A1 Antón San Atanasio, Sandra A2 Universidad de Valladolid. Escuela de Doctorado K1 Alimentación K1 Nutritional education K1 Educación nutricional K1 Diet intake K1 Ingesta dietética K1 Nutritional knowledge K1 Conocimientos nutricionales K1 3206 Ciencias de la Nutrición AB Nutrition plays a pivotal role as one of the modifiable environmental factors significantly impacting the health and performance of athletes. It's through proper nutrition that athletes must fulfill the demands of energy fuel and nutrients required for their specific practice.Firstly, this study examines the nutritional habits and knowledge of high-level Spanish athletes across various disciplines and genders. They often fail to meet the recommended intake of servings across several food groups, with differences between men and women and among different sports disciplines. Moreover, it is observed that possessing a higher level of nutritional knowledge does not consistently correlate with better eating habits.The second part of this study concentrates on women's football, an area that has witnessed significant growth in recent years, but with small scientific attention. As a preliminary step towards assessing nutritional status and devising a nutritional strategy, an in-depth analysis of the sport has been carried out, with special focus on the characteristics of the effort and specific nutritional factors. Following this examination of the sport, the study analyzes the dietary habits and nutritional knowledge, as well as energy and nutrient intake among a high-level women's soccer team during the competitive period. The main findings reveal a notable risk of energy and nutritional deficits, potentially undermining the health and performance of the athletes. Furthermore, it is observed that energy and nutritional requirements are not adequately adjusted according to the competition. Finally, this study evaluated the effects of two different nutritional strategies (exchange-based diet and closed diet) on various parameters including nutritional knowledge, consumption habits, adherence to the strategy and biochemical, anthopometric and physical parameters. The findings suggest that shorter-term nutritional interventions may be more effective, being the intervention based on equivalents more interesting in this sense. This type of more flexible nutritional intervention seems to be more suitable to improve nutritional knowledge and habits. Its adaptability is believed to facilitate adherence to intake requirements, rendering it a valuable, efficient and easily manageable tool for athletes. YR 2023 FD 2023 LK https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/68929 UL https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/68929 LA spa NO Escuela de Doctorado DS UVaDOC RD 27-jul-2024