RT info:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis T1 Estudio de los apócrifos de Antonio Machado con herramientas de la estilística de corpus y la estilometría A1 González Pascual, Guillermo A2 Universidad de Valladolid. Escuela de Doctorado K1 Literatura española Siglo XX K1 Apocryphal K1 Apócrifos K1 Stylometry K1 Estilometría K1 Antonio Machado K1 5506.13 Historia de la Literatura AB This doctoral thesis addresses the analysis of the apocryphal writings of AntonioMachado by applying tools from the domains of corpus stylistics and stylometry. Throughthe development of a corpus apocryphal writings of Juan de Mairena in the press, a seriesof both quantitative and qualitative approaches are undertaken to showcase thepeculiarities of the textual and discursive configuration of this writing in comparison withthe rest of Antonio Machado's prose work.This thesis aims to comment on the origins and function of the Machadianapocrypha, serving as an update of the most relevant ideas from previous studies on thesubject. The case at hand represents one of the most fascinating in Spanish literature. Webelieve that the explanation of these figures can benefit greatly from the application ofthe latest tools that research advances in the field of Digital Humanities has to offer toliterary studies.Results seem to point to the presence of an evolution over time in the style ofAntonio Machado's prose, and to the importance of fragmentation in the discourse of theapocryphal figures, in particular, in the texts of Juan de Mairena. YR 2024 FD 2024 LK https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/69453 UL https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/69453 LA spa NO Escuela de Doctorado DS UVaDOC RD 01-sep-2024