RT info:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis T1 El rechazo entre iguales en Educación Infantil: caracterización y programa socioemocional para su prevención y reducción A1 Molinero González, Paula A2 Universidad de Valladolid. Escuela de Doctorado K1 Pedagogía K1 Peer reject K1 Rechazo entre iguales K1 Childhood education K1 Educación infantil K1 Social-emotional competence K1 Competencia socioemocional K1 61 Psicología AB Peer rejection is a phenomenon that affects between 10-15% of students, however, it is very subtle in its detection and persistent over time, so its identification and characterization are essential to prevent and reduce this problem. Despite increased research in recent decades, few studies focus on early childhood stages due to associated complexities. This fact brings with it the problem of chronicity, since it has been shown that, although relationships in childhood are changeable, many of the students who show persistent rejection in the higher stages had already begun to be rejected in early childhood education. Therefore, this research focuses on the identification of the different sociometric types that are distributed in the early childhood classroom (preferred, average, controversial, ignored and rejected) with emphasis on the rejected students and some of the variables involved, such as gender, specific educational needs, victimization, or social and antisocial competence. While the reasons behind peer preference or rejection are well-documented in the scientific literature, their exploration during infancy remains relatively uncharted territory, underscoring the necessity for comprehensive intervention programs designed to prevent and reduce rejection. It has been found that between 11.5% of students are already rejected by their peers in the early stages of schooling, being similar in all three grades and significantly higher the presence of rejection in boys (16.2%). Those with educational needs (35.5%), the most aggressive students and the least socially competent are also more rejected. This research scrutinized 11989 reasons, 7876 for acceptance and 4113 for rejection given by 2116 boys and girls across 105 classrooms, highlighting affinity, enjoyment of shared games and personality characteristics as primary acceptance factors, juxtaposed with physical aggression and immature or annoying behavior towards others as prevalent causes of rejection. In addition, girls mention more reasons related to affective reciprocity, compared to boys, that tend to be less expressive or less aware of the causes.Following an extensive literature review on peer rejection, a pilot intervention program focusing on socioemotional competence and teaching strategies was developed and deployed in two schools. After its refinement, it was expanded into a later phase that included 637 students across 6 schools and 33 classrooms, under an experimental group and a control group. The program includes 35 activities and educational strategies that promote the development of skills for students’ inclusion, involving students, teachers and families, as well as other complementary resources.Key findings of this doctoral thesis include: the identification of rejected students in early childhood education classrooms, associated variables (gender, educational needs, victimization, social and antisocial competence), as well as the successful creation and deployment of an intervention program in socioemotional competence and teaching strategies, applied in a pilot phase, reducing the proportion of rejected students. The document is structured as a compendium thesis, divided into four main chapters. The first chapter elaborates on the theoretical foundation that has guided the research, expanding upon it, and aligning it with the objectives outlined in each publication. The second chapter shows a list of the objectives that have been established in the realization of this thesis, explaining the correspondence of these in each of the articles presented. Chapter 3 focuses on the three publications upon which the thesis is based, also examining the practical implications of the journals in which they are published and their respective standards. The last chapter, Chapter 4, consolidates the research carried out, along with its findings and conclusions. Additionally, it is also presented in Italian, as it is the official language chosen, as well as the one in which the international stay took place, to qualify for the doctorate with an international mention. Finally, references cited throughout the current document and the most relevant annexes can be consulted in their respective sections. Accompanying this manuscript is the intervention program in socioemotional competence and teaching strategies that has been designed and applied in classrooms. This program, along with its complementary booklet of attached resources, is reserved for printed publication and are not available to the public. YR 2024 FD 2024 LK https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/69494 UL https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/69494 LA spa NO Escuela de Doctorado DS UVaDOC RD 11-mar-2025