RT info:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis T1 Archivo y escritura autorreferencial en la obra de José Donoso A1 García-Huidobro Mac-Auliffe, Cecilia Clotilde A2 Universidad de Valladolid. Escuela de Doctorado K1 José Donoso K1 José Donoso K1 José Donoso K1 Autobiographic writing K1 Escritura autobiográfica K1 Writers files K1 Archivos literarios K1 Latinamerican literature K1 Literatura latinoamericana K1 6301.05 Lengua y Cultura AB This research is focused on the archive of José Donoso. We are talking about a Chilean writer, born in 1924, who left behind a significant narrative work that began in 1955 with the publication of his first volume of short stories Veraneo, followed by novels such as Coronación (1957), El lugar sin límites (1967), El Obsceno pájaro de la noche (1970), Casa de Campo (1978), El jardín del lado (1981), La desesperanza (1985), to mention only a few titles that have become classics of Latin American narrative. He also ventured into non-fiction writing such as the chronicle -part of his work has been compiled posthumously- and in the self-referential genre with Historia personal del boom (1972) and Conjeturas sobre la memoria de mi tribu (1996). His early literary vocation prompted him to leave his father's house and begin an itinerant life of travels whose ultimate goal seems to have been the desperate search for a narrative voice. A vital and literary itinerancy that he endeavored to record through the preservation of manuscripts, a rich correspondence, the writing of an intimate diary that he kept regularly between 1950 and 1995, drafts of chronicles, conferences, unfinished works, and other materials such as press clippings, publishing contracts. In addition to compiling them, he took care to keep them in a safe place. This vast archive is in the care of two American universities: the University of Iowa keeps his papers until 1965 and the remaining material until his death is kept at Princeton University. From this desire to collect, together with the progressive appreciation of the archives as spaces from which to explore new biographical and interpretative approaches, arises the question that has guided this research: can texts make unusual alliances to achieve new meanings? How are drafts, parallel writings, interwoven with the known work of an author? To this end, we have reconstructed here the history of these archives: how they were configured, why they reached the universities that house them, and so on. Given their breadth, our analysis has focused on his autobiographical texts, his intimate diaries and part of his correspondence, estimated at more than seven thousand letters. Our material has been compiled, digitalized and transcribed, as part of the research work and conformation of our study corpus.In tracing the history of self-referential writing in Chile when Donoso began his diaries in 1950, we have found that there is no tradition and it is considered a minor form of writing. Donoso, as his diary shows, on the contrary, is an enthusiastic reader of this type of writing, placing value on subjectivity as a creative field given the blurred delimitation possible between reality and fiction. The approach to both his autobiographical work and correspondence has been carried out in dialogue and tension with the intimate diaries. The latter is an essential thread, since each of the aspects represented and amplified in his archive are interwoven in the latter: writing and creation, his position and self-perception of his place in the always feared cultural field, relations with his environment and contemporary peers, family, journalistic articles, money, editorial events, his intimate life.This journey through a relevant part of his archive adds a new fold to the complexity of Donostia's universe by confronting two perspectives of a man who did not shy away from contradictions, but on the contrary, made of them a way of life and a poetics, illuminating those inner corners that accompanied him and constituted to a great extent his creative engine: identity and creation as two elusive fields that, according to him, never manage to be grasped. YR 2024 FD 2024 LK https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/69502 UL https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/69502 LA spa NO Escuela de Doctorado DS UVaDOC RD 15-ene-2025