RT info:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis T1 El estilo poético neocatuliano en el Renacimiento: de Pontano a Juan Segundo A1 Balbo, Francesca A2 Universidad de Valladolid. Escuela de Doctorado K1 Filología K1 Catullus K1 Catulo K1 Renaissance K1 Renacimiento K1 Aemulatio K1 Aemulatio K1 Intertextuality K1 Intertextualidad K1 5 Lingüística AB The present research has set as its objective the analysis of the poetic production written in Latin by the first Renaissance imitators of the Roman poet Catullus in 15th century Italy: Leonardo Bruni, Cristoforo Landino and Giovanni Gioviano Pontano, in order to highlight their emulative novelty through the analysis of Catullian intertextuality. Pontano's lyricism especially illustrates the evolution of the so-called neo-Catullian style which inaugurated a new era in neo-Latin poetry, with the Verona poet as its center: in Italy, with the poetry of relevant authors such as Michele Marullo and Jacopo Sannazaro, and in the rest of Europe with outstanding voices such as those of Jean Salmon Macrin and Juan Segundo Everaerts. The first part of the thesis presents the results of a careful analysis of Catullus' style, in order to lay the foundations for the commentary in the second part, which reveals at what point Catullus' legacy surpassed the level of imitatio to become in an authentic aemulatio, as an expression, furthermore, of the mundus significans of each author. The textual interpretation of the humanists focused both on the content and on the lexical and rhetorical aspects: on the "voice" with which such creative innovation was expressed. The innovative scope and capacity of the first imitators to revitalize the desacralizing and at the same time pathetic power of Catullian verse is highlighted, while at the same time they used a language, in principle, not native. Furthermore, it is shown how Catullus' model served them not only to compete with the classical world that inspired his poetic creation, especially in his youth, but also to revolutionize a modus poetandi and disrupt a literary tradition of enormous cultural prestige. Finally, the last part outlines the European panorama of the new style inaugurated by Giovanni Pontano, focusing on the ways in which it took shape, that is, how neo-Catullianism was expressed in Italy, France and the Netherlands, through the voices of the best-known poets. YR 2024 FD 2024 LK https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/71417 UL https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/71417 LA spa NO Escuela de Doctorado DS UVaDOC RD 11-mar-2025