RT info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis T1 Llanitos on TV: Code-switching patterns in the speech of two Gibraltarian generations A1 Herguedas Sacristán, Andrea A2 Universidad de Valladolid. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras K1 Matrix language K1 Embedded language K1 Code-switching K1 Llanito K1 Gibraltar K1 Alternancia de códigos K1 Llanito Gibraltar K1 Lengua matriz K1 Lengua incrustada K1 5701.11 AB This dissertation focuses on the formal description of Llanito, a linguistic phenomenonspoken in Gibraltar and characterized by code-switching (CS) between English andSpanish, as well as the analysis of the influence of sociological and pragmatic factors(i.e., age and (in)formality) on this phenomenon. The study was carried out bycompiling all cases of CS from one episode of the TV program City Pulse, produced byspeakers of two generations. The CS cases were classified into inter-clausal, intraclausal and tag-switches (Poplack, 1980) and the matrix and embedded languagesinvolved were also considered. The results showed the older generation’s preference forinter-clausal CS, and the younger’s for tag-switches, alluding to the age of the speaker(and, to a lesser extent, the (in)formality) as a determining factor for a preference for aspecific type of CS; and a higher frequency of English as matrix language but only forinter-clausal and tag-switches. These results may contribute to a more refinedcharacterization of the CS in Llanito. YR 2024 FD 2024 LK https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/71800 UL https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/71800 LA eng DS UVaDOC RD 03-mar-2025