RT info:eu-repo/semantics/conferenceObject T1 Critical review of the evaluation process of the innovative activity 'Interview with a Health Professional' A1 Díez Revuelta, Álvaro A1 Fernández Linsenbarth, Ines A1 Beño Ruiz De La Sierra, Rosa María A1 Arjona Valladares, Antonio A1 Jimeno Bulnes, Natalia K1 proyecto K1 innovación K1 docente K1 humanización K1 profesión sanitaria AB BackgroundThe activity "Interview with a healthcare professional" is part of the teaching innovation project"Humanising healthcare (humanizAS)", is carried out by second-year medical students in the subjectof psychology, and accounts for 10% of its final mark. The content of the interviews is related toobtaining a more “humane” doctor-patient interaction. Students should present the result in classand deliver a document including the main questions and answers, a critical reflection and a "phraseto remember". Our satisfaction surveys have been highly rated by students and professionals (4.4and 4.9 scores out of 5, respectively).Summary Of WorkAfter three years of experience, we believe it is important to analyse and critically review the way inwhich the activity was carried out and assessed. The main dimensions of evaluation were: 1) qualityof the questions, 2) quality of the critical commentary, 3) bibliography use, and 4) formal aspects ofthe text. A total of 474 students in 93 working groups (33 in 2020, 29 in 2021 and 31 in 2022)interviewed 78 experienced professionals (mainly family doctors 20.4%, psychiatrists 18.3% andpaediatricians 6.5%). The interview was mainly conducted by videoconference (66.7%).Summary Of ResultsThe average final mark obtained by students was 8.5 out of 10 points. Our statistical study revealedsignificant differences between years for: 1) the way the activity was carried out (χ2=34.4, p<0.001),due to the gradual opening to face-to-face interviewing after COVID-19 restrictions; and 2) the finalevaluation mark (F=5.2, p=0.008), higher in 2020 and 2021, compared to 2022, mainly in quality ofquestions, bibliography, and formal aspects (F=17.0, p<0.001; F=5.5, p=0.005; F=8.6, p<0.001,respectively). Discussion And ConclusionAfter three editions of the activity, both the rating and the satisfaction of the medical students washigh. However, we envisaged ways to improve the stability of the evaluation (e.g., by including moredetailed criteria through rubrics), as well as the possibility of including new criteria (e.g., a rating bythe interviewed professional). Take Home Messages. An innovative activity such as “Interview with a healthcare professional” requires periodic reevaluation of its elements. However, we believe it has great potential for application in a variety of health education contexts. PB AMEE YR 2023 FD 2023 LK https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/72189 UL https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/72189 LA eng NO Congreso de la Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE). Glasgow (Reino Unido), 26-30/08/2023. DS UVaDOC RD 08-ene-2025