RT info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis T1 Promoting Mental Health Awareness in the EFL Classroom. A didactic Proposal for Compulsory Secondary Education A1 Arranz Sanz, Ana A2 Universidad de Valladolid. Facultad de Educación y Trabajo Social K1 Mental health K1 Awareness K1 Feeling(s) K1 Emotion(s) K1 EFL K1 Gamification K1 TBLT K1 Suggestopedia K1 Salud mental K1 Conciencia K1 Sentimientos K1 Emociones K1 ILE K1 Ludificación K1 Aprendizaje por tareas K1 Sugestopedia K1 5701.11 Enseñanza de Lenguas AB Nowadays, mental health problems are becoming increasingly prevalent, especially amongyoung people. In such tumultuous periods of their lives, adolescents need to be aware of theiremotions and be able to address their concerns in a safe and supportive environment.Through the implementation of methodologies such as suggestopedia, gamification, thecommunicative approach and the task-based approach, reflection on different mental healthissues will be promoted. Also, the use of readings, such as Heartstopper 4 (Oseman, 2021),and audiovisual media, such as Disney’s Inside Out (2015) and Taylor Swift’s Anti Hero(2022), will encourage introspection and analysis of these through more concreterepresentations. Consequently, students will be able to identify, research and talk aboutdelicate topics and reflect it on a website created for this purpose. YR 2024 FD 2024 LK https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/72828 UL https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/72828 LA spa NO Departamento de Didáctica de la Lengua y Literatura DS UVaDOC RD 05-feb-2025