RT info:eu-repo/semantics/conferenceObject T1 T 3 in the Language Industries: Today, Translation, Technology A1 Álvarez Álvarez, Susana A1 Arnáiz Uzquiza, Verónica K1 Formación de traductores e intérpretes; tecnología; mercado profesional; empleabilidad K1 5701.12 Traducción AB presentationNew profiles in the language industry have emerged dealing with translation, terminology,text mining, interpreting, post-editing, subtitling, copywriting, localization, accessibility andnew forms of communication and content production (Álvarez Álvarez and Ortego Antón,2020). Nor only technology, but also virtual environments have become of the essence forcontent managers and language service providers (LSP): virtual environments forprofessional networks, collaborative platforms, virtual desktops, speech-to-text solutions,cloud services, cloud-based machine translation, etc. as well as other, non-virtual solutionsoriented to meet multilectal communication needs (Marshman, 2014; Sin-Wai, 2015; Kenny,2017; O’Hagan 2019; among others). Technology is not only conditioning the way languageprofessionals work today, but it is also creating new opportunities in the way of emergingniches for their services, and, therefore, challenging academia to cater for new professionalprofiles. Changes in human-computer interaction, steering new developments in thelanguage industry, impose new training solutions for translators’ education, contents, andscenarios to ensure the efficient education of professionals-to-be. In this paper we report onFOIL, an EU-funded project developing online training for the language industries thatcombines technology-savvy industry expertise with cutting-edge Translation Studiesdidactics to design a flexible, modular layout of contents informed by language industryneeds. One of the foci of attention in this development is that of how professionals andtrainees envision and experience technology –both as a tool in and of itself and as anenvironment where LSPs workflow is embedded. As such, we will devote especial attentionto incorporating new trends in translation and interpreting technologies, the impact of thesetrends in new applications and tools, and their integration in the workflow (PE, MT,automatic speech, learning AI systems), as well as their regulation in industry-relevantstandards and best practices. Ethical considerations will be brought to bear in the context ofa technology driven landscape where ownership and rights over content are often vague.While present in all modules in the project, technology-related contents will be specificallyaddressed in the module “Translation Environment Tools” comprising corpora, text mining,terminology management, CAT tools, machine translation, post-editing, localization, andweb design. PB Universidad de Valladolid YR 2022 FD 2022 LK https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/74691 UL https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/74691 LA spa NO EST Congress 2022 Advancing Translation Studies NO Producción Científica DS UVaDOC RD 31-ene-2025