RT dataset T1 OpenPass4Climate survey results A1 Martín Ramos, Pablo A1 Correa Guimaraes, Adriana A1 Fourati, Fatma A1 Couchy, Kimberley A1 Lo Giudice, Lucio Alessandro A1 Tosi, Barbara A1 Oliveira Pinto, Frederico A1 Veiga Martins, Luís A1 Navas Gracia, Luis Manuel A2 Universidad de Valladolid. Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenierías Agrarias K1 Environmental attitudes K1 Climate education K1 Digital recognition K1 Open badges K1 Educational surveys K1 Environmental competencies K1 Formal and informal education K1 58 Pedagogía K1 5802.04 Niveles y Temas de Educación K1 6302 Sociología Experimental K1 6104 Psicopedagogía K1 6307 Cambio y desarrollo Social AB This dataset contains survey results from 630 students across four European universities (France, Italy, Portugal, and Spain) as part of the Erasmus+ OpenPass4Climate project. The survey assesses students' attitudes toward climate change, environmental values, sense of personal responsibility, perceptions of social norms, participation in eco-pedagogical activities, learning preferences, and awareness of open badge systems. Data include demographic variables (age, gender, educational level, country) and Likert scale (1-5) responses to 20 questions structured across seven constructs: climate change views, environmental values and identity, personal responsibility and emotional responses, social norms, eco-pedagogical activities, learning interests and training preferences, and open badges system awareness. Statistical analysis was conducted using non-parametric tests (Kruskal-Wallis and Conover-Iman) due to violations of normality assumptions. YR 2025 FD 2025 LK https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/75208 UL https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/75208 LA spa NO GIR Tecnologías Avanzadas Aplicadas al Desarrollo Rural Sostenible (TADRUS) NO Data (raw and filtered), Summary (basic statistics by country, age, education level), Reliability analysis (Cronbach’s alpha), Normality tests, Kruskal-Wallis analysis (by age, gender, education level, and country). DS UVaDOC RD 04-mar-2025