RT info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis T1 Developing english oral skills through a project-based learning in 2nd grade of primary T2 Desarrollo de las destrezas orales en inglés a través de un aprendizaje basado en proyectos en 2º de primaria A1 Jiménez Jiménez, Cristina A2 Universidad de Valladolid. Facultad de Educación de Palencia K1 Educación Primaria K1 Educación bilingüe K1 Destrezas lingüísticas K1 Destrezas orales K1 Propuesta didáctica K1 5801 Teoría y Métodos Educativos K1 5801.05 Pedagogía Experimental K1 5701.11 Enseñanza de Lenguas AB This project analyses the importance of developing linguistic skills in the Primary Education classroom, highlighting their role in the teaching-learning process. For this purpose, theoretical research has been carried out covering different points of view, methodologies and contributions of prominent authors who support the importance of promoting oral expression in students. Likewise, a didactic proposal is presented for the second year of primary school on animals in the area of Natural Sciences taught in English, as it is a bilingual school, with the aim of promoting students' oral skills. To this end, the Communicative Approach is used within this method, the proposal uses Project Based Learning and an attractive and motivating work dynamic with manipulative materials for the students. Finally, the conclusions derived from the implementation of the didactic unit are shown, evaluating the results achieved and proposing possible improvements for future applications. YR 2025 FD 2025 LK https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/75293 UL https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/75293 LA spa DS UVaDOC RD 12-mar-2025