RT info:eu-repo/semantics/contributionToPeriodical T1 Effects of pre-commercial thinning on growth and reproduction in post fire regeneration of Pinus halepensis Mill. A1 Ruano Benito, Irene A1 Rodríguez García, Encarna A1 Bravo Oviedo, Felipe K1 Pinos-Crecimiento K1 Repoblación forestal AB Excessive recruitment in post-fire regeneration of Pinus halepensis can require pre-commercial thinning. The 1994 Moratalla fire (Spain) and the thinning applied there since 2004 provided good conditions for testing pre-commercial thinning effectiveness. AimsTo analyse pre-commercial thinning effects on tree size, reproductive potential, stem biomass and annual growth in 15-year-old saplings. MethodsTwenty nine circular plots (5 m radius) were established based on (1) years since thinning and (2) aspect. Non-thinned plots were included as controls. Sapling variables were measured and pine cones were counted and classified according to maturity. Three saplings per plot were felled, five sample disks were extracted from each and tree rings were analysed with Windendro® software.ResultsSapling size, annual growth and stem biomass were higher in thinned plots than in control plots 2–4 years after thinning. Annual growth declined five years after thinning. Cone counts were higher 2–5 years after thinning, depending on the cone type. Aspect influenced some variables. ConclusionThinning accelerated stand maturity but positive effects were indiscernible until 2–5 years later. Serotinous cones, which are fundamental to regeneration after fire, increased in number after 5 years. The effects of aspect were inconclusive due to interactions with years since thinning. PB Springer SN 1297-966X YR 2013 FD 2013 LK http://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/7655 UL http://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/7655 LA eng NO Annals of Forest Science; June 2013, Volume 70, Issue 4, pp 357-366 NO Instituto Universitario de Gestión Forestal Sostenible DS UVaDOC RD 18-sep-2024