RT info:eu-repo/semantics/article T1 Embryonic Cerebrospinal Fluid Activates Neurogenesis of Neural Precursors within the Subventricular Zone of the Adult Mouse Brain A1 Carnicero Gila, Estela María A1 Alonso Revuelta, María Isabel A1 Carretero Soto, Raquel A1 Lamus Molina, José Francisco A1 Moro Balbás, José Antonio A1 Mano Bonín, Anibal de la A1 Fernández Gómez, José María Fidel A1 Gato Casado, Ángel Luis K1 Neurorregeneración K1 Embriología K1 Embryonic cerebrospinal fluid K1 Subventricular zone K1 Neuronal precursors K1 Adult brain K1 Neurogenesis AB Introduction: There is a nondeveloped neurogenic potentialin the adult mammalian brain, which could be the basis forneuroregenerative strategies. Many research efforts havebeen made to understand the control mechanisms whichregulate the transition from a neural precursor to a neuronin the adult brain. Embryonic cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is acomplex fluid which has been shown to play a key role inneural precursor behavior during development, working asa powerful neurogenic inductor. We tested if the neurogenicproperties of embryonic CSF are able to increase the neurogenicactivity of neuronal precursors from the subventricularzone (SVZ) in the brains of adult mice. Results: Our resultsshow that mouse embryonic CSF significantly increasesthe neurogenic activity in precursor cells from adult brainSVZ. This intense neurogenic effect was specific for embryonicCSF and was not induced by adult CSF. Conclusions:Embryonic CSF is a powerful neurogenesis inductor in homologousneuronal precursors in the adult brain. This propertyof embryonic CSF could be a useful tool in neuroregenerationstrategies. PB Karger SN 1422-6405 YR 2013 FD 2013 LK http://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/7748 UL http://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/7748 LA eng NO Cell Tissues Organs, 2014, vol. 198, n.5, p. 398-404 NO Producción Científica DS UVaDOC RD 05-feb-2025