RT info:eu-repo/semantics/article T1 HMG CoA Reductase Inhibitors and Impotence Two Case Series from the Spanish and French Drug Monitoring Systems A1 Carvajal García-Pando, Alfonso A1 Macías Saint-Gerons, Diego A1 Sáinz Gil, María A1 Ortega, Sara A1 Martín Arias, Luis Hermenegildo A1 Velasco Martín, Alfonso A1 Bagheri, Haleh A1 Lapeyre-Mestre, Maryse A1 Montastruc, Jean Louis K1 Medicamentos - Efectos secundarios K1 Impotencia sexual AB Objective: HMG CoA Reductase inhibitors, more commonly called statins, areused in the pharmacological management of hyperlipidaemia. At present, the useof these drugs is increasing worldwide. They have been linked to certain adversedrug reactions, including impotence. The aim of the present study is to explore thebasis of the association between statin use and impotence using data fromspontaneous reports.Method: We analysed the cases of impotence associated with statins that werecollected by the Spanish and French pharmacovigilance systems. We used casesof impotence as a numerator and consumption data as a denominator to estimatethe cumulative reported incidence of impotence.Results: Thirty-eight cases of impotence associated with statins have beenidentified in the database of the Spanish pharmacovigilance system; overall, therewas a temporal sequence of events in all cases and the adverse reaction disappearedafter drug withdrawal in 93% of the cases. Sixteen patients had also beentreated with other drugs. In France, 37 cases were collected. In 85% of these casesrecovery from the adverse reaction was observed after drug withdrawal; there wasa positive rechallenge in five cases, and 15 patients were receiving other drugs atthe same time. No significant differences among reported incidences with differentstatins were found.Conclusion: Considering the widespread use of this drug class and the under-reportingof this particular reaction it could affect a large number of patients. Thereaction seems to be reversible in most of the cases after drug withdrawal. Doctorsshould be aware of this potential adverse reaction when prescribing statins to theirpatients. PB Springer Verlag SN 0114-5916 YR 2006 FD 2006 LK http://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/9056 UL http://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/9056 LA eng NO Drug Safety, 2006; 29 (2): 143-149 NO Producción Científica DS UVaDOC RD 03-mar-2025