TY - JOUR AU - Aparicio Gervas, Jesús María AU - Carbonero Martín, Miguel Ángel AU - Valdivieso León, Lorena AU - Vázquez Ramil, María Raquel PY - 2024 UR - https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/73006 AB - The Roma population is one of the most discriminated social groups. Ignorance of their culture, traditions, etc. generates prejudices and stereotypes that hinder the processes of intercultural coexistence. The aim is to make the Roma people visible... LA - spa PB - Education Sciences KW - Educación KW - Antropologia KW - Interculturalidad KW - Didáctica KW - Psicología KW - EDUCACIÓN KW - ANTROPOLOGÍA KW - INTERCULTURALIDAD KW - DIDACTICA KW - PSICOLOGÍA TI - Discrimination of the Gypsy Population in the University Environment DO - doi.org/10.3390/educsci15010016 ER -