TY - JOUR AU - Pérez, Juan F. AU - Melgar Bachiller, Andrés AU - Horrillo Güemes, Alfonso Jesús PY - 2017 SN - 1478-6451 UR - https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/73946 AB - Thermodynamic criteria as a feedstock selection tool for decentralised downdraft gasifiers coupled to spark-ignition engines are presented in this work. The methodology consists of an energy and exergy analysis of gasification process. The analysis is... LA - eng PB - Taylor & Francis KW - Energy; exergy; engine fuel quality; feedstock selection methodology; downdraft gasification; biopower plant TI - Thermodynamic methodology to support the selection of feedstocks for decentralised downdraft gasification power plants DO - 10.1080/14786451.2016.1162792 ER -