TY - JOUR AU - Bost, N. AU - Ramboz, C. AU - LeBreton, N. AU - Foucher, F. AU - López Reyes, Guillermo Eduardo AU - Angelis, S. de AU - Josset, M. AU - Josset, J.L. AU - Souchon, A. AU - Ammannito, E. AU - Sanctis, M.C. de AU - Di Iorio, T. AU - Carli, C. AU - Westall, F. AU - Vago, Jorge L. AU - Sanz Arranz, José Aurelio AU - Venegas, Gloria AU - Rull Pérez, Fernando AU - Medina García, Jesús PY - 2015 UR - http://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/23005 AB - The future ExoMars rover mission (ESA/Roscosmos), to be launched in 2018, will investigate the habitability of the Martian surface and near subsurface, and search for traces of past life in the form of textural biosignatures and organic molecules. In... LA - eng TI - Testing the ability of the ExoMars 2018 payload to document geological context and potential habitability on Mars ER -