TY - GEN AU - Martínez Sacristán, Óscar AU - Moretón Fernández, Ángel AU - Guada, Miguel AU - Solorzano Quijano, Eusebio AU - González Rebollo, Miguel Ángel AU - Jiménez López, Juan Ignacio PY - 2016 UR - http://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/35188 AB - The photovoltaic industry is, nowadays, dominated by silicon technology. In the case of multi-crystalline Si (mc-Si) the efficiency losses are mainly caused by the structural defects inherent to the growth, e.g. grain boundaries (GBs), dislocations,... LA - eng KW - Fotoluminiscencia KW - Photoluminescence TI - Photoluminescence imaging of solar grade mc-Si wafers and solar cells as a tool for efficiency qualification [Poster] ER -