TY - JOUR AU - Fernández Fuertes, Raquel AU - Gómez Garzaran, Eduardo AU - Mujcinovic, Sonja AU - Mañas Navarrete, Iban PY - 2022 SN - 2300-9969 UR - https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/57150 AB - The study focuses on the interaction between length of exposure and instruction in the L2 English acquisition process of L1 Spanish school children. Two target structures involving noun premodification are targeted: noun–noun (NN) compounds and... LA - eng PB - Walter de Gruyter KW - Second language learning KW - Aprendizaje de una segunda lengua KW - Foreign language - English KW - Lengua extranjera ‐ Inglés TI - When teaching works and time helps: Noun modification in L2 English school children DO - 10.1515/opli-2022-0219 ER -