TY - JOUR AU - González Del Rio, Beatriz AU - González Tesedo, Luis Enrique PY - 2023 SN - 0021-9606 UR - https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/63842 AB - The disparity between the masses of the two components in a binary liquid system can lead to the appearance of a peculiar phenomenon named “fast sound,” which was identified for the first time in Li4Pb several decades ago and later observed in other... LA - eng PB - AIP Publishing KW - binary liquid mixtures KW - fast sound KW - longitudinal and transverse dynamics KW - first principles calculations TI - Ab initio study of longitudinal and transverse dynamics, including fast sound, in molten UO2 and liquid Li–Pb alloys DO - 10.1063/5.0182648 ER -