TY - THES A3 - Rodríguez Guerrero-Strachan, Santiago AU - López Martínez, Aroa PY - 2024 UR - https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/71969 AB - El Sueño Americano es un ideal que ha traspasado fronteras llegando a convertirse en una referencia mundial. Influenciado por el cine, la música y los libros, una versión alterada y exageradamente idealizada ha alcanzado a numerosos paises. Por ello,... AB - The American Dream is an ideal that has crossed borders and has become a worldwide reference. Influenced by movies, music, and books, an altered and exaggeratedly idealized version has reached many countries. Therefore, the main objective of this... LA - eng KW - Sueño Americano KW - Richard Wright KW - Racismo KW - Hijo Nativo KW - Análisis KW - Bigger Thomas KW - American Dream KW - Racism KW - Native Son TI - The American Nightmare: An Analysis of Racism and Injustice in Richard Wright’s Native Son M3 - info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis ER -