TY - JOUR AU - Fernández Lázaro, César I. AU - SantaMaría Gómez, Gema AU - Martin Vergel, Maria I. AU - Fernández Lázaro, Diego PY - 2024 UR - https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/74316 AB - Background: Mobile apps represent accessible and cost-effective tools to improve nutrition and prevent chronic diseases. However, most of these apps have been characterized as having limited functionality, raising concerns about their effectiveness,... LA - eng KW - mobile apps; mHealth; mobile health; app; nutritional; nutrition; dietary; eating; diet; food; lifestyle; Spain; Spanish; chronic diseases; chronic; review; quality; MARS; Mobile App Rating Scale; uMARS; user version of the Mobile App Rating Scale;... TI - Nutrition-related mobile apps in the Spanish app stores: quality and content analysis DO - 10.2196/52424 ER -