TY - JOUR AU - Gato, A. AU - Alonso, M.I. AU - Lamus, F. AU - Miyan, J. PY - 2020 SN - 1084-9521 UR - https://uvadoc.uva.es/handle/10324/74808 AB - Neurogenesis is the process underlying the development of the highly evolved central nervous system (CNS) in vertebrates. Neurogenesis takes place by differentiation of specific Neural Precursor Cells in the neurogenic niche. The main objective of... LA - spa KW - BiologĂ­a del Desarrollo y TeratologĂ­a KW - Neurogenesis KW - Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) KW - Neural stem cells KW - Brain development TI - neurogenesis: a process ontogenically linked to brain cavities and their content, csf DO - 10.1016/j.semcdb.2019.11.008 ER -