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Enfoque por tareas: Un modelo de programa
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Máster en Profesor de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato, Formación Profesional y Enseñanzas de Idiomas
One of the reasons to choose this topic for my final project was that I have always been taugh by teachers who mostly ignored the communicative aspect of the language. That is why I was so impressed when I first heard about task based language approach.
This presentation first attempts to describe the characteristics of Task Based Learning (TBL), its stages, conditions and constraints. It then introduces briefly a possible example of a didactic programming based on TBL method.
Task Based Learning approach suggests a different way of teaching languages, focussing on the learner as an individual and encouraging communication.
The tasks involved in this approach are divided into three stages:
Pre-task: Introductory explanation to the subject by the teacher, using photos, posters, etc. This stage can also be used as a strategy to focus their attention on and introduce them to the task,
Moreover, Van Gorp and Bogaert suggest that it is the best moment to motivate learners and organize the following phase, by providing clear instructions about the performance and the goal of the task.
Task Performance: Working with and using the target language. Carrying out activities in pairs or groups.
During this stage, positive feedback is one of the best instruments to encourage their students
Post Task: analysing the problems they have had in the process and their possible solutions. The focus here is on error-analysis
Materias (normalizadas)
Inglés (Lengua) - Estudio y enseñanza
Filología Inglesa
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