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Protypes of booklets, posters, messajes for risk communication including a script for a TV-clip
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TREN-05-FP6TR-507.61320-518404-DRUID, pp.1-113
"Based on the results of Work Package (WP) WP2, WP4, WP5 and on Tasks 7.1 and 7.2, prototype documents for information regarding psychoactive substances and driving will be produced. These European Traffic Safety brochures should have the potential to be understood easily and designed to be in a later stage multilingual. Some basic ideas for European information campaigns against psychoactive substances in traffic will be added. These documents will be addressed to:
1) The general public (basically information regarding medication and driving), 2) The drivers as patients (basically information regarding how diseases/medication can affect driving), 3) A younger public as a prevention strategy (e.g. especially regarding multiple drug use, e.g. cannabis in combination with alcohol or ecstasy), 4) The physicians/pharmacist (basically information about counselling the patient-driver regarding medication and driving), 5) Policy makers and other public bodies" (DRUID Core contract).
However, when this Deliverable (D) was produced, no final results were available from DRUID "WP2, WP4, WP5 and on Tasks 7.2" as mentioned in the DRUID Core contract, and therefore the prototype documents for information regarding psychoactive substances and driving are produced without such information.
• Target groups and specific age groups: Much more attention should be paid to the elderly, either in campaigns addressed to the public in general as well as to the aged patients who drive.
• Illicit drugs and medicines and driving campaigns should be done by substance group.
• Among illicit drugs, the greatest relevance should be given to cannabis followed by illicit use of benzodiazepines and stimulants such as ecstasy, amphetamines and cocaine.
• For the campaigns on medicines and driving by substance group, priority should be given at least to the medicines used in anaesthesia (general anaesthetics) followed by analgesics,
hypnotics and sedatives, ophthalmologic medicines and anti-epileptics and anti-psychotics, anxiolytics, drugs used in addictive disorders and psycho-stimulants.
• With regard to the type of information to be included in the informative campaigns on illicit drugs, medicines and driving, for all the target groups, the publicity message should give information on the risks and the effect of the substances on driving. For the “general public”, “driver as patients” and the “younger public”, over half the experts consider that the campaign should include information on sanctions. For the “general public”, over half also believe it to be important to include information on the size of the phenomenon (data on epidemiology). For “physicians/pharmacists” and “policy makers”, information should be included on the size of the phenomenon and current legislation.
• Part II “Derived criteria for the development of documents”, is mainly based on information presented by the EU project Campaigns and Awarness-raising Strategies in Traffic Safety (CAST).
• Analysing the situation: The background of a campaign refers to results from the: in-depth analysis of the problematic behaviour and possible solutions; identification of the target group at risk and how to reach and influence them; translation of the overall campaign goal into specific objectives
• Message: An effective message strategy, based on the communication objectives, is essential for the success of a campaign. It can be subdivided into content strategy (what will be said) and execution strategy (how and by whom it will be said).
• Means and features (media): Target segments’ factors as well as media-related factors should be taken into account when choosing the type(s) of communication and media. Target audience factors include aperture (or opening), which is the audience’s general habits, general interests and media habits. Media-related factors include the ability of media vehicles and combined actions to reach the target audience, and the communication capacity of media vehicles and combined actions
• Communication objectives: This refers to the translation of the general goal of the campaign (based on the problem analysis) into the expected effects (objectives). It should be defined which behaviour (= primary objectives) is to be adopted by the target group to realise the general goal of the campaign. Furthermore, the factors that can contribute (i.e. knowledge, beliefs, attitudes … = secondary objectives) to reaching the primary objectives can be defined. The specific campaign objectives are used during the evaluation of a campaign. Therefore, objectives should be clearly defined with their levels of accomplishment (e.g. % increase of knowledge) in order to evaluate the success (effectiveness)
• Part III “Description of prototype documents”, analyse, according to the criteria mentioned in part I and II, how the prototype documents were elaborated.
The “Description of prototype documents” was done regarding:
• General public: two prototype documents: i) medicines & driving, and ii) illicit drugs & driving.
• Driver as patients: a general description for the three prototype documents elaborated.
• Young drivers: one prototype document, illicit drugs and driving.
• Physicians and pharmacist: one prototype document, medicines and driving.
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