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Tra demografia, economia e politica: la rete urbana italiana (XIII-inizio XVI secolo)
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Edad Media: revista de historia, 2014, N.15, pags.37-57
This paper portrays Italian urbanization trends between the end of the 13th century -when the process was at its highest- and the 14th century, including the period of severe demographic depression caused by the many recurrent epidemics of the plague. It highlights the outstanding differences that existed in urban layout between Northern and Central Italy, on the one hand, and, on the other, the southern part of the Italian Peninsula: differences that were shaped by geographic, economic and political reasons. For the period taken into account the author stresses the crisis of the polycentric model that characterized the economy during the 12th and 13th centuries as well as the leading role played by a few cities (Milan, Venice, Florence, Genoa) that also took advantage of the changes in the political situation between the 14th and the 15th centuries. El ensayo traza el marco del urbanismo italiano entre el momento de máxima expansión (finales del siglo XIII) y las primeras décadas del siglo XVI, pasando por la grave depresión demográfica causada por las epidemias de peste. Se ponen de relieve las profundas diferencias en la malla urbana entre el centro-norte de Italia y la parte meridional de la península; diferencias determinadas por factores geográficos, económicos y políticos. Durante el período objeto de examen se subraya la crisis del policentrismo económico típico de los siglos Xll y XIII y el papel dominante desempeñado por unas pocas grandes ciudades (Milán, Venecia, Florencia, Génova), que también obtuvieron ventajas de los cambios en el marco político que se produjeron entre los siglos XIV y XV.
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