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Carving characters in the mind. A theoretical approach to the reception of characters in audio described films.
Año del Documento
Universidad de Valladolid. Facultad de Traducción e Interpretación
Documento Fuente
Hermeneus, 2016, n. 18. p. 59-92
: From early childhood on we are exposed to characters in
books, cartoons, films, theatre plays, and video games. Through these media
we enter fascinating fictional worlds that seduce our imagination with every
page or scene. As the events unfold, we become captivated by the story and its
protagonists, whose deeper feelings are outlined in a succession of words and/
or images that the audience needs to endow with meaning. In their search for
comprehension, readers and spectators �
� the situations described in
their minds by creating multimodal representations (mental models) about
the events taking place, the place and time in which they occur and, especially,
the people involved. This paper is an attempt to explore how audiences receive
and understand audio-described film characters. Drawing on research from
Cognitive Narratology, Film Studies and Social Psychology, it will be argued
that spectators and audio-description users (re)create characters, that is, they
extract information from the film and they endow it with meaning with the
help of their own mental schemata. Through this process they create the initial
mental model of the characters, which will be updated all throughout the film
experience. At the core of the model is the characters’ psyche, which constitutes
a conceptual framework that aids spectators by ascribing coherence to the
narrative events. A case study analysing the step-by-step reception process
This paper is part of a doctoral research framed within the PhD in Translation and Cross-Cultural
Studies offered by the Department of Translation and Interpreting and East Asian Studies at Universitat
Autònoma de Barcelona. It is also part of the project �
Linguistic and sensorial accessibility: technologies
for voiceover and audio description of an audio-described character will be provided to explore how users create
mental representations from the integrated information they receive from the
film (dialogues and sounds) and from the audio description.
Palabras Clave
Modelo mental del personaje
Propietario de los Derechos
Universidad de Valladolid. Facultad de Traducción e Interpretación
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