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Rural isolated mini-grid with photovoltaic supply in Chifunda (Zambia)
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Grado en Ingeniería Eléctrica
The energy demand in developing countries is increasing and many villages in these countries
do not even have a connection to the national grid. Therefore, they use kerosene and candles
for lighting their homes at night and batteries for supplying their electrical devices. With
renewable energy sources a minigrid can be built up anywhere to cover the demands. The
village in which the project will be conducted is near the equator and therefore a photovoltaic
system provides a good opportunity for the energy supply.
This thesis approaches the whole planning for an electrification of a village in Zambia, which
is called Chifunda. In this area about four-hundred households need to be supplied and also
the demands of other buildings like a mill, a school, a hospital and different shops need to be
covered. Nearly the whole energy will be supplied by the photovoltaic- and the storage system,
but a small part still need to be covered by a backup generator.
The demand of the village is predefined and so there will be two options introduced. First, the
needs are reduced to the essential parts and the system will be calculated to supply this
amount of energy.
The second option is to cover nearly the whole energy needs with the photovoltaic- and the
storage system. For the whole planning of the electrification the dimensioning of the system
parameters is important and also the electrical protection of the system has a significant role.
The whole calculations and analysis have been done with the program PVsyst. For the
calculation of the storage system, it was necessary to export different data to Excel. Therefore,
a program had to be written which can compute the state of charge of the battery, the energy
which is needed from an external source and the lost energy which is due to a full battery. With
the help of this program it was possible to calculate if the sizing of the system was sufficient.
Therefore, the different options have been compared and analysed to get the cheapest and
most sustainable solution.
Materias (normalizadas)
Energía fotovoltáica
Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica
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