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Prediction of the viscosity of mixtures from VLE correlation parameters
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Grado en Ingeniería Química
Viscosity properties of liquid and liquid mixtures are important to understand molecular interactions between the components of mixtures and for engineering process involving mass transfer, heat transfer and fluid flow. Thus, it is necessary to have reliable and accurate methods of obtaining viscosities of liquid mixtures rather than being dependent on experimental data.
A study between activity coefficient and viscosity parameters was conducted in an attempt to determine if there is any correlation between these variables. A total number of 40 binary liquid mixtures were used to regress viscosity binary interactions parameters. Viscosity parameters were regressed from infinite dilution activity coefficients, using excel solver. The viscosity deviations were reduced from 9.44 to 8.05 using a polynomial equation, while regression of Andrade parameters using Aspen Plus reduced it to 3.61. Thus, this attempt to predict viscosity parameters from VLE correlations was not as successful as expected..
Materias (normalizadas)
Líquidos - Viscosidad
Departamento de Ingeniería Química y Tecnología del Medio Ambiente
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