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Developmento of task-based learining method in Primary Classes
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Grado en Educación Primaria
Keeping in mind the importance of making innovative and motivating activities,
I am going to work with Task-Based learning, which consists of using tasks as vehicle
to carry out the objectives of the classes in a communicative way. The use of these tasks
is going to be combined with Content and Learning Integrated Language context which
is the foreign language in a non-linguistic content based learning lesson. So as to carry
out this combination I have divided the work into two main parts:
Part I consists of a research based on information extracted from different
sources which talks about what is task-based language learning. I will also give an
explanation about what Content and Language Integrated Learning is (CLIL from now
Part II; Once the theoretical part has been exposed, I am going to make the
practical part. For carrying out the practical part, I am going to focus on the topic of
“Numancia”, that is because this year it has been the topic of “the culture week” in all
schools of Soria. So as to make it, I will design task activities supported by the tools and
methods I have exposed before in the theory part. Lastly, the third part of the work is
going to consist of making a conclusion reflecting the results of the investigation and
giving my opinion about that. This is going to permit me to analyse if the objectives
have been attained. This conclusion is going to take into account the self-assessment
students are going to do at the end of the activities
Palabras Clave
Lengua inglesa
Aprendizaje basado en tareas
Aparece en las colecciones
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