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Ventilation and indoor climate in a new building in Finland
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Grado en Ingeniería Mecánica
This Bachelor’s thesis deals with the implementation methods of ventilation, the regulations adopted for this purpose as well as the implementation meth-ods and regulations for a good indoor climate in a new building in Finland. The implementation methods of ventilation and their suitability for different situa-tions are explained in general. About the indoor climate, the thesis presents factors influencing the quality of indoor climate and the impacts of these factors to people and to peoples’ well-being.
The thesis deals technologies used in field of ventilation. Writing tells about air handling units, its various parts and applications and air distribution methods and devices.
Data collection mainly took place through printed literature, a variety of regula-tions and standards. Regulation and instructions were mainly collected from Sisäilmastoluokitus 2008 RT-card and the Ministry of Environment decrees.
As a result, it was established that ventilation and indoor climate is a diverse and demanding field of technical building services. It also has a major im-portance for residential comfort in a building.
Materias (normalizadas)
Departamento de Ingeniería Energética y Fluidomecánica
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