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Kinetic study of oxychlorination of ethylene on copper chloride and cerium oxide catalysts
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Grado en Ingeniería Química
Estudio cinético dela reacción de oxicloración del etileno para dar lugar a 1.2 dicloroetano o cloruro de vinilo en función de si se usa cloruro de cobre u óxido de cerio respectivamente como catalizadores.Dichloroethane and vinyl chloride are two very useful components in the industry. Those
components are used such as solvents or precursors in the case of dichloroethane, and as
monomers to produce polymers, in the case of vinyl chloride, PVC. PVC is a useful polymer, used
in almost all the applications developed from the human being, such as construction, medicine,
feed industry, etc.
Several works have been made to produce these compounds. In these works, several catalyst
have been tried, such as gold and copper in the case of Juszczyk et al.1 to produce vinyl chloride
via dehydrochlorination of dichloroethane, obtaining a vinyl chloride selectivity between 60 and
85 % in case of copper and showing a more propensity to form ethene in case of gold. Other
authors, such as Magistro et al.2 developed a method to produce vinyl chloride directly from
ethylene using as catalyst iron oxide.
In this work, the main objective is to obtain the differences between both catalysts and try to
develop a reliable model and compare the main reaction products in the oxychlorination of
ethylene using two different catalystus. CuCl2/γ-Al2O3, catalyst which main reaction product is
dichloroethane, CuCl2/CeO2, catalyst which main reaction product was ethyl chloride and
cerium oxide, catalyst that according to the results of Scharfe et al.3 vinyl chloride is the main
reaction product. In the case of cupper chloride, conversions between 5-19 % were achieved
with a selectivity of dichloroethane around 90 % and no vinyl chloride was observed. A side
product observed during these reactions was ethyl chloride. In the case of cerium oxide, vinyl
chloride and 1,2 dichloroethane were the main products obtained, alongside with ethyl chloride
and carbon dioxide.
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Departamento de Ingeniería Química y Tecnología del Medio Ambiente
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