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Robot UR5 guiado por visión artificial
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Grado en Ingeniería en Electrónica Industrial y Automática
The aim of this project is to use a collaborative robot arm with six articulation points and a wide
scope of flexibility, to feed a conveyor belt. These collaborative robot arms are designed to mimic
the range of motion of a human arm and can be used with safety in the range of human workspace.
The main problem of this project is that the robot doesn´t know at any moment of the program the
sizes, position nor orientation of the pieces it had to take. It will be accomplished with the help
of a vision system which will guide the robot to locate and pick up the pieces from the pickup
zone, and then place they in the beginning of the conveyor belt, but the conveyor belt and the base
of the robot may not be always with the same offset, so the robot have to have a reference point of
the conveyor belt to transforms and interpolate all the waypoints of the trajectories used to leave
the piece on it.
To accomplish this objective, an URCap will be used, the Wirst camera from Robotiq which need a
vision server running in the controller with the licence key in a USB and to keep the collaborative
attribute of the robot, a collaborative gripper will be used in which can be set the force,
velocity of the opening and closing operations.
As a conclusion the Wrist Camera, can detect really fast any thought object, and also dropped
pieces and orientates them in the correct way, so the robot can pick them up.
Communications between PLC and robot works in real-time and the robot tries to keep the PLC always
Materias (normalizadas)
Inteligencia artificial
Departamento de Química Analítica
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- Trabajos Fin de Grado UVa [30670]
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