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Power and Submission in Two Dystopian Novels: Huxley’s Brave New World and Orwell’s 1984
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Grado en Estudios Ingleses
Dystopian literature has its origins in Utopias, but instead of representing somewhere
paradisiacal, a pure and perfect society, dystopia refers to a “negative utopia” as reality
develops in antithetical terms to those of an ideal society. Dystopian literature portrays a
nightmarish vision of a futuristic world, commonly dominated by technology and a
totalitarian ruling government which uses any possible means to exert an iron-handed
control over its citizens. Both Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World (1932) and George
Orwell’s 1984 (1949) are not only considered classics, but also archetypical of this
genre and so viewed as two of the most important dystopian novels ever written. This
thesis will analyse how both novels depict their dark futuristic vision. The study focuses
on each author’s representation of the totalitarian state and the different methods of
power, submission and control used by the government over population
Palabras Clave
Utopia, Dystopia, Huxley, Orwell, Brave New World, Nineteen Eighty- Four, power, control, submission
Utopia, Distopía, Huxley, Orwell, Un Mundo Feliz, 1984, poder, control, sumisión
Departamento de Filología Inglesa
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